Friday, June 01, 2007


I have lived in Trivandrum around 8 years now....4 years during my school years and 4 years of my engineering life...And even though i am not much of a great trivandrum fan this place has grown on me...yup trivandrum has got its faults but which place haven't?? ....The time i spend here especially the 4 years of my engineering life will always hold a special place in my heart..I remember the numerous times we guys from outside tvm always used to heckle the hard core tvmites (read luttu in class,aswin in lords) about what a sodding dump this place is..the people sucks ,the place sucks ..and yaa we used to to win the arguments coz we outnumbered them..But heck i dnt know if its coz of nostalgia but i am actually gonna miss this place..i will miss ZAMZAM ,i will miss CET,i will miss LORDS my home away from home for the past 3 years now....

So as another innings in trivandrum winds up to an end i cant make my mind Do i really love this place or is the nostalgia speaking?? well love it or hate it this was home for the past 4years and thats all there is to it....