Well ctrl-c ctrl-v has been a life saver during these past 4 years ...how else is one supposed to complete the lab?? By programming ..I dnt think so..
*HOD is always correct
nothing much to say on this....she is always correct!!!
*The art of writing apology letters
though got the chance to apologise to HOD only in the first two years she did make sure we knew how to apologise for everything under the sun....for cutting classes,for making noise,for chrismas celeration,for being born.....
*There is always suppli...
Well its self explanatory..There is always suppli if not criti...or if not there is mercy and it goes on.....
*The fine art of bullshitting....
How many series,universties one could survive by just writing crap on the answer paper ..and not to forget the project and miniproject presenations....This is one of the most important survival technique i think i have picked up from cet..now if somebody asks me something i dont know i can always call up on my 4 years of experience on writing and talking crap and acting as if i know the stuff being discussed just to save my neck....
* Sitting on my ass all day and acting as if i am programming...
the most important thing i learned at CET..especially useful if after passing out you are going to an IT sweatshop..its simple when somebody who is in a position to fire you comes along just type int a=1 and write some mindless loop..after he passes go on playing solitaire or whatever you like to do...Even if its not an IT job this skill will come in handy..you sit on your ass all day and act as you are seriously thinking nobody will disturb you!!!
and i guess there is more that this college has taught me directly and indirectly......
cheers to CET!!!!